Blue Monday

The third Monday in January is said to be the saddest Monday of the year, not related to New Year’s resolutions. This day is called like this because of a formula found by a motivation expert, Cliff Arnall, who indicated the least happy day of the year is the third Monday in January.

Here are a few things you can do to make Blue Monday more bearable:  

Book a trip, in our blog, you can discover places like Salou, Cambrils and Tarragona, which are perfect to enjoy a few days of rest and disconnection. You choose the destination and Shuttle2Sun takes you from Barcelona airport, Girona airport, Reus airport or Camp de Tarragona AVE train station to your favourite place, to enjoy the best weather on the coast.   

Enjoy your favourite dinner along the people who make you feel good, here you can find some healthy ideas to recover the energy you lack on a day like this.  

Look for positive motivations, relive happy moments, meet your friends, go for a walk in a special place for you after work, don’t let Blue Monday take your smile off your face!  

Book with us now and enjoy the offers available 

Blue Monday
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Torredembarra y sus playas, todo un paraíso de vacaciones

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